- Wagner, Ride of the Valkyries
- Rossini, William Tell Overture Finale
- Tchaikovsky Overture 1812 - The Finale
- Copeland, Fanfare for the Common Man
- Strauss, Also sprach Zarathustra
- Khachaturian, Sabre Dance
- Suppe, Light Cavalry Overture
- Grieg, In the Hall of the Mountain King
- Michael Jackson, Thriller
- Michael Jackson, Beat It
- AC/DC, Shoot to Thrill
- AC/DC, Highway to Hell
- Aerosmith, Walk This Way
- Bon Jovi, You Give Love a Bad Name
- Boston, Smokin'
- Judas Priest, You've got another thing comin'
- Judas Priest, Living After Midnight
- Led Zeppelin, Rock and Roll
- Led Zeppelin, Whole Lotta Love
- Kiss, I Was Made For Lovin“You
- Van Halen, Jump
- Born to be Wild (Steppenwolf)