History 115
Course Textbooks
and Reading Sources
Required Texts
All textbooks and readings for this course are provided by the instructor as on-line sources. Links to them are located on the "Reading Assignments"-page of the course Web pages. They should be downloaded, printed and brought to class. They include texts and translations provided by the instructor, and readings and chapters from the following, as well as other sources:
- Internet Ancient History Sourcebook: (https://sourcebooks.fordham.edu/ancient/asbook.asp).
- Internet Medieval Sourcebook: (https://sourcebooks.fordham.edu/sbook.asp).
Web Sources and Readings
Other required readings are found among these course Web pages. Students
will find links to these readings on the "Schedule of Reading
Assignments"-page. To access these texts, click the "Reading
Assignments"-link in left frame to open that page. Find the appropriate
reading on the schedule under the specific date on which it is due.
Click on the name of the text; open it, download and print out.