- Timeline of Human History (Centuries BC and AD, etc.)
- Map: Asia-Europe Interconnection
- Map: The Four Old-World River Valley Cultures
- Chart: Comparative Dating Systems: BC/AD - Olympiads - AUC
Mesopotamia and the Near East:
- Color Map: The Ancient Near East
- Map: The Fertile Crescent (color)
- Map of the Anciet Near East
(printing instructions: for best results, do not simply print out from
this browser; download and save
the image to disk; then open it in any paint or drawing program, and print from there--landscape
orientation and enlarged to fit the page)
- Animated Map: Sumer and Elam, 4th millennium B.C. (showing both ancient and modern coastlines) (color)
- Map: Sumerian Kinglist
- Map: Akkadian Empire of Sargon I of Akkad (Agade)
- Map: Babylonian Empire
- Map: Hittite Empire
- Map: Neo-Assyrian Empire
- Map: Persian Empire
- Chart: Afro-Asiatic Family of Languages
- Map: Afro-Asiatic and African Languages (geographical distribution)
Egypt and Nubia:
- Map: The Nile River Basin (sources of the Nile inundation)
- Map: Egypt (color)
- Map: Egypt from the Egyptian World View
- Map: Egyptian Empire (c. 1580-1070 B.C.) (color)
- Map: Ancient Nubia
- Photo: Aerial View of the City-mound of Jericho
- Photo: Aerial View of the City of Ur with Ziggurat and Temple Complex
- Photo: Relief of Sumerian Infantry
- Plan of the City Ur, ca. 2100 B.C.
- Street Plan of the City of Ur, ca. 2100 B.C.
- Drawing: Reconstruction of the ziggurat at Ur, combined views (by Sir Leonard Woolley)
- Photo: Stela of Hammurabi and the Code of Hammurabi (Old Babylonia), ca. 1750 B.C.
- Photo: Stela of Hammurabi, detail of relief: Shamash presents laws to Hammurabi
- Chart: Egyptian Cosmogony of Heliopolis.
- Photo: Nile River, Rising Inundation, Giza Plateau.
- Photo: Nile River Inundation, Giza Plateau, Full-flood Stage.
- Photo: Nile River Inundation, Dahshur, Village "Island".
- Photo: Desert Edge in the Nile Valley at Medum.
- Drawing: Narmer Palette, Hierakonpolis.
- Drawing: Section of Step Pyramid of King Djoser, Saqqara, Dynasty 3: detailing five
phases in building program leading from mastaba to step pyramid
- Drawing: Rudimentary Reconstruction of Giza Plateau
- Plan: Giza Plateau
- Photo: Giza Plateau Three Pyramids
- Photo: Panorama of Giza Plateau from South (incl. quarry of Khafre)
- Photo: Pyramid of King Khufu (Cheops) at Giza (photo by Francis Frith)
- Composite Photo: Statuette of King Khufu, various views), 3" talll, Cairo Museum
- Photo: Statue of Hemiunu, Vizier and Chief Architect of King Khufu, Boston Museum
- Photo: Khafre Pyramid by Night (in quarry)
- Photo: Khafre Pyramid situated in quarry
- Photo: Khafre Pyramid Mortuary Temple (and quarry left))
- Photo: Pyramid of Khufu Burial Chamber and Coffin
- Drawing: Reconstruction of pyramid and pyramid temple of King Sahure, Abu Sir, Dynasty 5
- Photo: Statue of Queen Hatshepsut
- Photo: Statue of King Thutmose III
- Photos: Statues of King Akhenaten and Queen Nefertiti
- Chart: Who were the Sea People?.
- Plan of Ancient Alexandria
- Plan of Modern Alexandria: City-center superimposed on ancient city-plan
- Reconstructions of the Pharos Lighthouse of Ancient Alexandria
- Photo: Alexandria, Fort of Qait Bey on the Location of the Pharos
- Photo: Pharos of Taposiris Magna
- Photo: Alexandria, Roman Amphitheater
- Photo: Alexandria, Roman Architectural Remains
- Modern Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Egypt
Map of the Mediterranean World: The Hellenistic East, Greece and Rome PRINT THIS MAP AND FAMILIARIZE YOURSELF WITH IT. (printing instructions: for best results,
do not simply print directly from this browser. Download and save the image to disk. Then open
the file in any paint or drawing program. Set up the printer to print on 14-inch paper, in a
landscape orientation, and enlarge to fit to the page. Print from there.)
- Map: Minoan Crete
- Map: Minoan World and Aegean Sea
- Map: Island of Thera (modern)
- Map: Mycenaean Civilization
- Map: Ancient Greece
- Map: Troy and the Troiad, Asia Minor (modern)
- Map: Troy and the Troiad, 1300 BC
- Animated Map: The Voyages of Odysseus in The Odyssey
- Map: Mycenaean Exodus from Greece
- Map: Route of the Sea People in Asia
- Map: Magna Graecea: Ancient Greece and Her Colonies
- Map: Ancient Greece in the Roman Era
- Map: The Persian Wars
- Map: The Peloponnesian War
- Map: Empire of Alexander the Great
- Map: The Hellenistic World
- Plan: Minoan Palace at Knossos ("Labrynthos"), Crete
- Reconstruction: Minoan Palace Courtyard at Knossos, Crete
- Photo: Section of Minoan Palace at Knossos, Crete, exterior
- Photo: Minoan Palace at Knossos, Crete, interior--ceiling reconstructed
- Photo: Minoan Palace at Knossos, Crete, reconstructed wall section with columns
- Photo: Minoan Palace at Knossos, Crete, Egyptian-style storerooms (partially reconstructed)
- Photo: Minoan Palace at Knossos, Crete, Bull's Horns Insignia
- Photo: Wall Painting of Youths Vaulting Over Bull, Palace of Knossos, Crete (partially restored)
- Photo: Knossos, Crete, Bull's Head Rhyton (drinking cup)
- Photo: Minoan Caves (cultic and tombs) Matala (near Phaistos)
- Photo: Statuette of Minoan Earth Goddess, Crete
- Photo: Minoan Monumental Double-axe (Labrys)
- Photo: Minoan Double-axe amulets (Labrys) Knossos
- Drawing (reconstructed): Phaestos Disk, Front and Back, Crete
- Photo: Samples of Texts in Linear A, Crete
- Photo: Pasiphae Nursing Her Son, the Minotaur
- Photo: Theseus slaying the Minotaur of Crete (images)
- Aerial Photo: Island of Thera (Santorini)
- Satellite Photo-Map: Thera (Santorini)
- Photo: Thera and the Island of Nea-kameni
- Photo: Wall Painting of Thera before Eruption, Procession of Minoan Ships, Akrotiri
- Photo: Wall Painting from Akrotiri, Thera: Soldiers and Sea Battle
- Greek Literary Sources for the Trojan War
- Photo: Aerial View of Mycenae
- Drawing: Reconstruction of Mycenae
- Photo: Mycenae, the Lion Gate
- Photo: Mycenae, entrance to a tholos-tomb
- Photo: Mycenaen Heavy Infantry - Armor
- Photo: Linear B Syllabary, Fitzwilliam Tablet (Knossos). Bill of Sale for Coriander.
- Drawing Elevation: Stratified Levels of Troy (Hisarlik)
- Drawing Egyptian Wall Relief (Medinet Habu): Naval Battle against the Sea People
- Drawing Egyptian Wall Relief (Medinet Habu): Detail of Pelest (Philistines) and Ship
- Chart: Who were the Sea People?.
- Photo: Kouros Statue, Greek Archaic Period (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
- Photo: Greek Kouros Statue and Egyptian Statue of King Thutmose III (comparison)
- Photo: City of Athens with Acropolis
- Photo: Ruins of the Parthenon (temple of Athena the Virgin) on the Acropolis, Athens
- Drawing: Greek Infantry Phalanx with Hoplite Warriors
- Photo: Ancient Statue of Greek Hoplite Warrior
- Photo: Bronze Hoplite Helmet (Royal Ontario Museum)
- Photo: Greek Crater, Painting of Hoplite Warrior
- Photo: Thermopylae, View to north
- Photo: Thermopylae, View to North, Battle Plain
- Photo: Thermopylae, Pass Through Mountains
- Photo: Thermopylae, Hill of Death
- Photo: Thermopylae, Modern Commemorative Statue
- Photo: Sparta, Modern Statue of King Leonidas
- Relief Map: Mediterranean Basin
- Map: Etruscan Civilization, 750-500 B.C.
- Map: Roman Italy
- Map: Rome (7 Hills), 7th Century B.C.
- Map: Rome (7 Hills), 1st Century A.D.
- Map: The Second Punic War
- Map: Roman Empire, 1st-2nd Centuries A.D.
- Map: Roman Empire, 4th Century A.D.
- Map: Division of the Roman Empire, A.D. 394
- Map: Byzantine Roman Empire of Justinian, 6th Century A.D.
- Photo: SPQR: Senatus Populusque Romanus
- Chart: Roman Republic, Branches of Government
- Photo:
The Capitoline She-Wolf (traditional symbol of Rome): Statue of
Romulus and Remus Suckling from She-wolf (5th century B.C.)
- Photo: Forum of Rome (Ruins)
- Drawing: Colosseum of Rome, reconstruction
- Photo: Colosseum of Rome, Interior
- Photo: Roman Concrete Walls
- Photo: The Pantheon in Rome
- Photo: Interior of the Great Dome of the Pantheon
- Photo: Roman Triumphal Arch, Timgad (Thamugadi), Province of Numidia, North Africa
- Photo: Roman Aqueduct, France (Gaul)
- Photo: Hadrian's Wall (Ruins), Yorkshire, England
- Photo: Amphitheater of Pompeii, Interior & Exterior
- Photo: Temple of Fortuna in Nimes (France)
- Aerial Photo: Modern Actium, Location of the Battle of Actium
- Diagram: Typical Roman Army Legion
- Diagram: Detail of Roman Army Legion (Centuries, Maniples and Cohorts)
- Drawing: Roman Aquilae (Legionary Standards)
- Drawing: Roman Aquilae, SPQR, Vexiloid
- Photo: Statue of Roman Citizen Carrying Busts of Ancestors
- Drawing: The Roman Fasces
- Drawing: Lictor carrying the Fasces
- Photo: Baton of Imperium (replica)
- Photo: Bust of Gaius Julius Caesar
- Photo: Bust of Gaius Octavius (Octavian), Grand-nephew and Heir of Julius Caesar
- Photo: Statue of Emperor Caesar August (formerly Octavian) as Pontifex Maximus
- Photo: Bust of Tiberius, Successor of Caesar Augustus
- Photo: Busts of Caligula (Gaius Caesar), Successor of Tiberius
- Photo: Bust of Claudius, Successor of Caligula
- Photo: Bust of Nero, Successor of Claudius
- Photo: Bust of Emperor Diocletian
- Photo: Statue of Emperor Constantine
- Photo: Aerial View, Istanbul
- Photo: The Walls of Constantinople (Byzantium)
- Photo: The Walls of Constantinople: Gate of St. Romanus
- Photo: Hagia Sophia ("Church of the Holy Wsdom"), Mosque & Museum
- Photo: Hagia Sophia Mural: Justinian and Constantine
- Aerial Photo: Jerusalem, Temple Mount (from south)
- Map: The Spread of Islam, AD 622-750
- Photo: Persian Miniature: Prophet receives revelation from Angel Jabril (Gabriel), A.D. 1315 = A.H. 693
- Photo: Jebel el-Nur: Hira, cave of revelation
- Map: Crusaders' Routes to the Holy Land
- Map: Crusades, A.D. 1190
- Map: Plantagenet Lands: England, France and Ireland (Henry II, A.D. 1154-1189)
- Photo: Jerusalem: Church of the Holy Sepulcher (1885)
- Nazi Belt Buckle, German Armed Forces (Wehrmacht), World War II
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