- Introduction: Project Description
- A brief description of the goals, activities, and history of the project, the significant issues it faces, and their resolutions; a Web brochure (of sorts)
- Project Preliminary Findings
- Detailed descriptions of the activities and findings of the project, lecture transcript, paper abstracts, photos, conservation reports, bibliography, etc.
- Project Staff
- Project Benefactors
- Acknowledgements of the project's benefactors, donors, and friends. These are the good people and organizations who make the project possible: folks who have generously donated funds to support the work; companies which have freely provided equipment, services, and supplies or which have rented equipment at less than nominal rates; friends and colleagues, including Egyptian officials, who have supported the work or assisted in any manner, expediting our activities and making our efforts a success. To them we owe the greatest debt of thanks. Allah yibarak fikum!
- Project Reports
- Reports to donors and benefactors and official annual field reports to Egyptian governmental authorities describing the activities and findings of the project in any season
- About the Serapis Research Institute
- Statement detailing the history, goals, and organization of the Serapis Research Institute, a private not-for-profit, tax-exempt, educational organization incorporated in the State of Illinois to further professional Egyptological research.